Blog 27. Fish in the seas around Cornwall in the 18th - mid-19th Centuries.

 Blog 27. Fish in the seas around Cornwall in the 18th - mid-19th Centuries.

Names Of Fish 1700 Cornwall

"The names of fish found last century are listed below. Many names are unfamiliar, and some are probably no longer in existence. I will not attempt to translate them into modern-day language. All in all, the sea around Cornwall in the mid seventeen to eighteen hundred was a place of rich harvests. But all this was one day to come to an end.

I have turned his text into a poem, and I would love to know how many of these species can still be found in the waters around Cornwall?

Redding in his 1842 journal of his journey through Cornwall  gives us the following:

In Cornwall's sea, a bounty did unfold,

A treasure trove of fish, both new and old.

The porbeagle, known as the sea attorney's bane,

Chased small fish, with the strength it did maintain.


The fox-shark, named the thresher, fierce and strong,

Its tail would thrash the grampus all day long.

Skates and rays, with tails triple and smooth,

Swam gracefully, their elegance did soothe.


Angels and mermaids, fish of mystic grace,

Frog-fish and sea-devils, a fearsome chase.

Pearl or luga-leaf, shimmering in the tide,

While turbot and halibut did there abide.


The solaea lervis, transparent as glass,

Its beauty is likened to a lantern's pass.

Congers and free-eels, slithering with might,

Sand-eels, sea-adders, a captivating sight.


Needle-fish and saw-fish, their forms unique,

Rock cod, common cod, with flesh so sleek.

Whiting and hake, their flavors so refined,

Ling and tunny, wonders of their own kind.


Mackerels galore, the common and the horse,

Whistle-fish, and dracunculus leading their course.

Bass and mullet, in hues of red and grey,

Surmullet and John Dory, stunning display.


Pipers, grey, streaked, and red, with vibrant hue,

Gurnard and rocket, their fins held askew.

Tub-fish and comber, ruling the abyss,

Herring and pilchard, a bountiful kiss.


Shad and sprat, the sparling's humble pose,

Skipper and girrock, their silver scales disclose.

Black-fish and sea-bream, jewels of the deep,

Wrasse and butter-fish, secrets they keep.


Gold-sinny and cookling, their names so quaint,

Father-lasher, a legend some would paint.

Turtle, a rare sight, with massive weight,

Seals that danced on the coast, avoiding fate.


Shellfish abounded, oysters at their helm,

Cockles, limpets, wrinkles, a merry realm.

Crabs and lobsters, their shells strong and tough,

Shrimps of all kinds, in waters calm and rough.


Hermit shrimps and scallops, treasures they hold,

Bernards scuttle, as stories are unfold.

Zoophytes, a tapestry of life's grand scale,

Polypi, sea-slugs, each with its own tale.


Sea-worms, sea-nettles, jellies floating by,

Star-fish and blubbers, under the vast sky.

Cuttle-fish and ink-fish, their ink so black,

Sea-anemones, grace they never lack.


Cornwall's seas, once a realm of plenty,

Harvests abundant, nature's gift aplenty.

But alas, the tale took a somber bend,

For all good things, one day must come to an end.

 Fishermen living in Sennen on the 1841 Census

Henry George,                        30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Thomas Nicholas,                     30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

William Penrose,                       50,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

William Penrose,                       15,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John Roberts,                           65,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

William Roberts,                       20,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Sampson Nicholas,                   25,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Peter George,                           20,,      Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Richard Nicholas,                     40,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John Penrose,                           45,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John George,                            20,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Edmund George,                      25,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Sampson Nicholas,                   40,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John Roberts,                           30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

 Nicholas,                                 25,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Hannibal Nicholas,                    30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Stephen Bond,                          70,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John Pender,                            25,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Sampson Nicholas,                   60,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Stephen Bond,                          20,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Richard Pender,                        35,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Matthew Nicholas,                   25,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Arthur Roberts,                        70,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Robert Pender,                         40,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

William Guy,                             50,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

James George,                          30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Henry George,                          60,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

James George,                          55,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Peter George,                           60,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

William George,                        30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

Arthur Roberts,                        30,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

John Hall,                                 45,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall

James Vingoe,                          40,       Fisherman,                                Cornwall


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